Saturday, March 15, 2014

Man in the mirror day 10!

Good day to you all reading this post! It's Saturday and I have taken a few days away from my blog in order to concentrate on getting things up and running. I have been in the gym four days this week and even took an ab-workout class and it was killer let me tell you.
I figured that if this is going to become habit that I have to work out in order to promote fat burning.
Yesterday I received my monitor, weight scale and blood pressure cuff from V.A. Hospital. I am part of the Move Program through V.A. which helps veterans loose weight. I also have a pedometer which measures my steps and calories burned. There is a bit of reading and studying to do but I don't mind at all. I look at it as an investment in my health and future!
 Oh! A quick update: I wanted to tell you that I am on day 10 of the Yoli Better Body System and have lost 8 pounds thus far! The most important change has been in stomach mass. I noticed that I am a lot less bloated since I am off the dairy and high fat carbs. I feel lighter and have more energy by far. I know it sounds crazy for only being 10 days into it but I feel great! It's amazing what a little will power can do. I also wanted to add that I have developed a wake/ sleep schedule as I believer proper rest to be important in mental and physical health.
Let me give you a tip on eating better. If you happen to be a veteran please stop in and see your physician before starting your workout. I was able to get a full run of lab work done and get with the Move Clinic in order to help in my transformation and what's more it was free! The important thing is that you will receive a booklet to help you determine portion size and a portion plate. Every morning I wake up and weigh in through the tele-health system. I also check my blood pressure which is key because I have had some major blood pressure issues over the past 13-14 years and it has reached the point that I am on 3 different pressure pills.
My goal has been to loose 14 pounds in 14 days. I am down 8 pounds and am getting ready to go to the gym on day 10. I am not trying to set any records here but trying to develop healthier habits that will change my life! If I can just get my workout music in tune with what I want to do. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I like hip hop and fast beat music with a few cool down songs. Maybe I can get my son to help in that department.
This was breakfast: YES whey / protein shake, 4 oz. bacon and egg white omelet. I'm full!

Well, I am going to work on my music and head to the gym! Please feel free to comment and share!
~ David


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