Thursday, March 6, 2014

Man in the mirror.


Today is day two of my Yoli Total Body Transformation and I have to say this is going much easier than I thought! I've learned to schedule my eating and drinking every few hours so as to prevent hunger pangs. So far today, I only had two episodes of grumbling in my stomach and I believe that is due in part to having to leave the house before my steamed fish was done and coming back to eat an hour late!
Aside from the blog I have started a diet journal which I will incorporate a bit of information from that into this blog. Well, as I stated before today is day number two and I have recruited my wife Maria to join in the transformation with me. She and I agreed that we would not use the "D" word as it carries a negative connotation so we look at it as a "transformation".
I'm feeling pretty good as of this evening. I have only had one bowl movement today and I hate to talk about that but felt it is important to mention with the increased fluid intake. Today, I have been taking it easy. My wife and I discussed going to the gym and working out soon so we went to the YMCA to see about a family membership. I am a firm believer in developing new routines for my new lifestyle. Hopefully routines will become habit as it's said it takes six months to develop a new habit so I don't expect any miracles this soon into it.
Today I am spending my time working and reading over the materials a bit at a time. I think this will be a gradual learning process. I am excited because my sponsor called me tonight, Dr. S and told me that I am scheduled for a "dynamic team momentum call". I like the idea that someone is calling to check up on me and see how I am doing. It gives you a sense of assurance that you are looked after within the community of friends and that your not in this alone.
As of today I am still not sure what my lab values are from the Doctor visit yesterday. I am anxious to see what my cholesterol, LDL and HDL are. I have been in a fairly good range due to the pravastatin. I am on three different blood pressure medications and the Doctor is wanting to increase my dose again. I am not to happy about that so I am praying this diet helps.
In reading over the materials again tonight it looks as if I am suppose to choose lean meats with low sugar, preservatives and nitrates. I guess the turkey hotdog was a better choice for supper than the beef then.
The reading material tells me to listen to my body: if you feel hungry eat more protein or enjoy a small serving of low-carb vegetables: asparagus, celery, cucumbers, lettuce, or peppers. Well, that is good to know. I had a really tough time tonight before my dinner shake around mid'late afternoon snack time so I had a hand full of peanuts. I figured it would be alright because my two turkey dogs weighed a little less than 4 ounces. I like to weigh things because my wife has a food weight scale and is a cook but it's not a requirement.
Wow! It looks like I have a free day on day number seven! Woo hoo! Tomorrow is day three and meal day so I get to eat a 500-600 calorie complex carb along with a protein. I think that I will try a half cup of brown rice with a seasoned pork chop. Mid-late afternoon I get to enjoy some veggies so maybe a cup of salad since lettuce only contains two carbs.
On the back of my 30 day transformation pamphlet there is a place to describe why I have chosen the Yoli Better Body 30 day transformation challenge. I want to share that with you all! The reason why I undertook this challenge is simply because I got tired of feeling like poo! I began to notice how big I was in the family photos shared on Facebook. I have not been able to get into a pair of decent jeans in over two years. Most of all I cannot enjoy the activities that I use to with my wife and kids. I can't "suit up" either and that really stinks because I'm a firm believer in looking good. I think dressing up and putting on the Ritz so to speak is good for your self esteem.
My goals are ultimately focused upon overall health I suppose. You see I started getting poor circulation in my legs this year and developing coldness and loss of hair. I am worried about peripheral vascular disease so I am going to have my Doctor do a Doppler on me to check my circulation flow to the lower extremities.
In looking at the "why" it asks how much weight do you want to loose? I told my Doctor friend that I could stand to loose about one of her in weight. Haha! It's hard to admit but 100 lbs. would put me at or near my ideal weight. I feel I will be able to enjoy activities more. I'd like to go swimming again without running and grabbing a towel to drape around me afterward.
Hmmm... measurements I have covered in my first blog post but let's just say a size 46 waist is a bit to much. You know it's time to loose weight when you put on your belt with a boomerang. No, on a serious note though it has even become hard to clean myself properly after using the bathroom because my right shoulder has some degeneration with all of the weight at night. I even wake up with my arms having fallen asleep. It's time to do a little toning I'd say. Weight lifting is suppose to help burn fat so tomorrow it's the gym.
Well, that is about it for me tonight. I have a phone conference with not one but two Physicians tonight! I really feel spoiled. I am so happy that I decided to take the steps to change my life! If you are struggling with your weight or have a similar story please come and find me on Facebook I would love to chat with you about your struggles and what you have planned for the future. Signing off for now. ~David :)

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