Monday, March 10, 2014

Man in the mirror day 6


Just a quick update before bed time. I am on day six of my 30 challenge. I just can't believe how good I felt today as I went to the V.A. Hospital. I met with a Dietician to discuss the Move program with her and will be utilizing the telehealth program. My online equiptment will be coming in the mail in 2-3 business days! Yeah!
Today my wife Maria and I went in for our first workout at the YMCA. I decided to do about 1/2 hour of cardio and stair climber. I did a little upper body free weights. My pedometer said that I walked well over 4,000 steps today. My surgery foot is a bit soar but I think that is par for the course.
Tomorrow is my carb day. I am feeling well rested and not as bloated. I will update more later, so far so good!

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